Global Change in World Population by 2050
Changing population densities throughout the continents.
Changing population densities throughout the continents.
Areas that are going to suffer from droughts untill 2099. Dramatic situation : the droughts are getting worse in countries that have always suffered from droughts.
This map shows how difficult is having access to safe water for people colored in red.
North America, Europe and Russia are not threatened by water scarcity, whereas south America, Africa and Indonesia are going to suffer from water scarcity.
A world water crisis threatens the whole world.
Orange: areas where the lack of water is due to temporary pbm of resources.
Red: areas where water is going to be very rare
Brown: critic situation because of lack of investment
It shows the trend towards the goal of reducing the loss or degradation of ecosystems and natural resources around the world.
Now I’m going to speack about terrestrial ecosystem loss. This picture is about deforestation, the net loss of forest is mainly in the south of America. However the net gain of forest is located mainly in America AND EUROPE
This picture shows the pErcentage of habitat lost and species threatened. The biggest pErcentage of habitat lost is in Europe and US. And the biggest pourcentage of species threatened is in Africa and India.
US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey Division, World Soil Resources
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)