Estimated Total Reactive Nitrogen deposition from the Atmosphere (Wet and Dry) 1860-2050
Galloway et al., 2004
Galloway et al., 2004
The temperature observations stick to the trend of the model using bothe natural and anthropogenic forcings
We can see on the map the world deforestation
In 70 years, Island Borneo will have lost more than half of its forest.
The map shows the proportions of deforestation / reforestation in the wolrd
In 2050, the estimate of forest loss of Amazonas in Brazil is 1/3
Sunrise Powerlink Map
Los Angeles Times
1. Solar Millennium Ridgecrest 250 megawatts
2. Beacon Solar Energy 250 megawatts
3. Abengoa Mojave Solar 1 250 megawatts
4. Hidden Hills Solar 500 megawatts
5. Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System 370 megawatts
6. Calico Solar 664 megawatts
7. City of Palmdale Hybrid Gas-Solar 570 megawatts (520 MW natural gas, 50 MW solar)
A snapshot of the rapidly changing world of computing, communications and technology
Underwater mortgages in US by region