World Bank: clean energy is the solution to poverty, not coal
the Guardian
Rachel Kyte
It is the development conundrum of our era. Extremely poor people cannot lift themselves out of poverty without access to reliable energy.
the Guardian
Rachel Kyte
It is the development conundrum of our era. Extremely poor people cannot lift themselves out of poverty without access to reliable energy. - David L. Chandler
Electric vehicles can meet drivers’ needs enough to replace nearly 90 percent of vehicles now on the road. Could existing electric vehicles (EVs), despite their limited driving range, bring about a meaningful reduction in the greenhouse-gas emissions that are causing global climate change? - Samuel Adeyemo
What do self-driving cars, the Mars rover and remote solar site assessment have in common?
Keri Helmer, Project Assistant, Renewables
Center for Sustainable Energy
The group in charge of ensuring San Diego's ambitious Climate Action Plan is carried out will have its first meeting Friday.
Mayor Kevin Faulconer's plan — which commits the city to slashing greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2035 — was passed unanimously by the City Councilin December 2015.
Raising the bar for municipalities across the country, San Diego on Tuesday adopted one of the nation’s most ambitious plans to cut carbon emissions. And in one aspect, the city’s document goes further than the historic climate change deal forged Sunday by world leaders gathered in Paris: It creates legally binding mandates for reducing levels of greenhouse gases. “Today, San Diego took a landmark step toward securing a greener and more prosperous future,” Mayor Kevin Fau - John Boyd
Kyocera Corp. has come up with a smart way to build and deploy solar power plants without gobbling up precious agricultural land in space-challenged Japan: build the plants on freshwater dams and lakes.
Arnaud Vedy
GIS Consultant
Arnaud is a graduate student in GIS, a researcher at the Center for Information Convergence and Strategy at SDSU, and a GIS consultant for GENI and the SIMCenter. Back in France, where he is originally from, Arnaud graduated in Geography with honors.
Elsa Wenzel
Verbose. Indecipherable. Incroyable. Those are just a few ways to describe the dizzyingly complex COP21 climate negotiations in Paris this year.
Geodesign team
As the demand for freshwater and energy increases in San Diego County and Northern Baja, the fresh water supply continues to shrink while energy generation remains heavily dependent on fossil fuels. Due to these opposing trends in supply and demand, it becomes increasingly imperative to identify solutions that move these communities to their preferred state in which they are largely reliant on renewable energy and use water sustainably. Large-scale energy solutions include wind power, one of the must abundant sources of energy in these regions.