Tropical Depression

Submitted by benoit on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 15:25

Repartition of Tropical depression in the world, we can see the most impacted area like Japan or the Gulf of Mexico. The map shows the past 150 years of hurricanes on earth until 2005. As you can see, the most powerful hurricanes of category five appear in the area around Japan. This is due to the high sea temperature in this region

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Number of drought disasters as recorded by EMDAT (1974-2004)

Submitted by benoit on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 15:22

Map of drought repartition were we can see that Africa, India, United states, Australia are the most affected by drought. For example Africa was exposed in some parts to up to nine droughts in the time span, which influenced local people and moreover also the major income like agriculture (e.g., crops don’t get enough water).

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