Availability of freshwater in 2000

Submitted by jeremy64fr on Fri, 08/10/2012 - 10:47


This graphic shows the availability of freshwater through average river flows and groundwater recharge, in cubic metres per capita per year, at the national level in the year 2000. The graphic highlights the countries with the least freshwater resources (Egypt and the United Arab Emirates) and those with the most (Suriname and Iceland).

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Number of people killed, injured, homeless and otherwise affected by natural disasters between 1980-2005

Submitted by benoit on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 15:37

the most impacted population are in India, China and Africa. It’s because of the infrastructure and prevention are less developed than USA or EEA. Asia is vusialised as such a big part also because of the high population density. 

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World map of natural catastrophes for 2010

Submitted by benoit on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 15:35

Repartition of all the natural disasters in the world in 2010.  You can see that there is quite a high number of blue and green dots, which means hydrological as well as meteorological events. Quite a high percentage is concentrated in the eastern part of the United States. As well as in South-East Asia occur a high number of these disasters. 

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Total number killed, injured, homeless and affected by geological disasters

Submitted by benoit on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 15:30


map of people impacted by geological disasters such as earthquakes. The most country affected are Japan, India, Africa, South America, Middle East. This also relates to the previous images, which shows along these countries the strongest seismic activities.

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