Weather disasters seen costly sign of things to come

Molly O'Toole

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States is on a pace in 2011 to set a record for the cost of weather-related disasters and the trend is expected to worsen as climate change continues, officials and scientists said on Thursday.

Experts roll out malaria map, urge mosquito study

Tan Ee Lyn

(Reuters) - Nearly 3 billion people, or two-fifths of the world's population, were at risk of contracting malaria in 2009 and closer study of the mosquito's life cycle is needed to combat the disease, researchers said in two reports.

Small fish said vital to seas; lower catches urged

Reuters // Reuters

OSLO, July 21 (Reuters) - Small fish play a big role in the oceans and catches should be cut sharply to safeguard marine food chains from plankton to blue whales, an international team of experts said on Thursday.

China's development progress and potential based on the number of publically accessible cities and amount of nonrenewable resources

Submitted by yabonancygaoc on Mon, 08/01/2011 - 23:14

Like my other maps, I did not make editions directly on the map because it is difficult to make adjustments on the already created images that have already been so beautifully created and I can explain the symbols and all just as well on here. So here it goes...the legends:

The solid dot represents the publically accessible cities

the striped box represents publically accessible regions

the dark box represents the storage of coal

the tall dark box placed vertically represent the storage of fossil fuel

the dotted line means the railroad

Image Type
Geographic Area
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