Water rights trade to help quench world thirst
LONDON, Aug 8 (Reuters) - Markets in water rights are likely to evolve as a rising population leads to shortages and climate change causes drought and famine.
But they will be based on regional and ethical trading practices and will differ from the bulk of commodity trade.
Stockpiling seeds today saves plants for the future: A quarter of the world's plant species may be headed toward extinction. Seed banks aim to prevent that.
According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a quarter of the world’s known plant species – some 60,000 to 100,000 species – are threatened with extinction.
Miniature lab can diagnose disease in the field
People who live in the poorest and remotest parts of the developing world often have their lives cut short by disease -- preventable or curable disease. The first essential step to fighting these diseases is correctly identifying them.
Ecological Footprint Quiz
Ecological footprints measure humanity's demands on nature. Everything we do has consequences.
9 billion people live well, and within the limits of the planet:
Pathways to Sustainabaility WBCSD
Vision 2050: The new agenda for business
Under the WBCSD's Vsion 2050 Project, twenty-nice WBCDSD member companies developed a vision of a world well on the way to sustainablility by 2050 and the pathways leading to that world.
Europe’s financial contagion
Greece sneezed, and now most of Europe has a cold. The European debt crisis has already spread like a virus from Greece to Ireland and Portugal, and other countries are now at risk: Spain, and Italy are probable candidates for financial problems.
clean technological companies' locations in china
left column is the legends bar for the developed industries
right column is the legend bar for the developing industries
from top to bottom, here are the different types of companies for both the developed and developing(they are all the same, in the exact same order):
energy conservation industry
new informational technology industry
biological industry
high tech manufacturing industry
new energy industry
new material industry
new energy automobile industry