Total Electricicity generated in MW by Wind Power Plant in labeled regions/provinces

Submitted by yabonancygaoc on Tue, 08/02/2011 - 16:03

As for the provinces, please refer to this page for the English Translation:

The legends are labeled in MegaWatts, so please just refer to the numbers.

Image Type
Geographic Area

Growth Rate for Nonrenewables and Renewables in China Until 2090

Submitted by yabonancygaoc on Tue, 08/02/2011 - 15:25

The Color Legends Are:

Red = wind

 Dark Blue = Nucelar

Ligh Blue = Water

Dark Green = Biomass

Whiteline = Geothermal

Yello = Solar

Dark Gray = Coal

Light Gray = Natural Gas

Medium Gray = Oil

Image Type
Geographic Area
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