Location of the Water Bodies in China
Risk Analysis Graph of China's Floods
here are the legends:
Left Column:
Risk index of floods in cities
flowing boundaries
Right Column:
Flood Frequency in times/year
total amount of renewable energy generated in 2009
the legends, from top to bottom:
hydro, nuclear, wind, photovoltaic, biomass, ethanol
container capacity for the wind-generated electricity from 2005-2009
Please multiply the y axis by 10^7, and the unit is in watts
the national railroad route in china
here are the legends, from top to bottom on the map:
passenger routes
new routes
electrified railway
potential railroad sites
inter-city railway routes
container stations
emission reduction rate in china
the part in the legend before the numbers translate to: progressing by:
the gray legend translates to: Not in a development
clean technological companies' locations in china
left column is the legends bar for the developed industries
right column is the legend bar for the developing industries
from top to bottom, here are the different types of companies for both the developed and developing(they are all the same, in the exact same order):
energy conservation industry
new informational technology industry
biological industry
high tech manufacturing industry
new energy industry
new material industry
new energy automobile industry
Possible irrigation route of desalinized water in china
here are the legends, on the bottom left corner
everyday life
ecological purposes
desertification levels throughout china
Here are the legends, from top to bottom:
no desert
water flowing sand dunes
semi-flowing sand dunes
semi-fixed san dunes
fixed sand dunes
gobi desert
areas of extreme drought