Michael Russell
Michael Russell
Michael Russell
M2 is money in the form of traverlers checks, regular checks, e-money, and similar forms of secondary money. It is peculiar to see that the total number of deposits made is more than the amount of currency available. E-money is harder for banks to track, especially when they are in the hands of third party business such as Paypal. If the central banks underestimate how much money is flowing through the economy, the government will think to print more money, which would cause inflation.
Contactless e-money comes in the form of Paypal, Bitcoin, and related forms of currency. We can see a rise of over double the use of contactless e-money when compared to contactless credit.
This chart is showing the impact of AIDS on several african countries GDP
This chart is showing the Potential AIDS treatments costs in several sub-saharian country
This image is showing the american annual health expenditures
Global Clean Energy Projected Growth for 2011-2021
Debt-Service Ratio in the US, Europe, and Chile
Defense Spending compared to the Federal Budget
Defense Spending in the US over the past 70 years