An Example of Franchise Fee Incentive for Local Energy

Submitted by patrickpoon7 on Tue, 09/09/2014 - 14:40

Click here to see the full article "A Rarely Tapped City Strategy for Boosting Local Renewable Energy," describing how local governments can help the city move towards the development and usage of local renewable energy

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world map of social networks

Submitted by julie dequaindry on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:29

Internet bring new means of communication such as social networks or email. those who do not access it are sidelined and not taking advantage of these benefits to open to the world. 82% of the world's online population of 1.2 billion users now use social networks.

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Angola Population 2010

Submitted by brittanyyu on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:16

Poverty will be a main problem in this country. In about 20 years, there will be an increase in active population. The same thing will happen to other developing countries where there won't enough jobs for the active population and a much higher unemployment rate.

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Japan Population 2010

Submitted by brittanyyu on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:08

With technology improving, life expectancy will increase. In about 20 years, the active population of 2010, aka the baby boomers, will shift up, increasing the inactive population. The same thing will happen to many other developed countries where the level of dependency will increase which means there will not be enough active workers to support the elderly.

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Working Under the Radar

Submitted by brittanyyu on Tue, 08/21/2012 - 12:54

This chart describes the different occupations that illegal immigrants participate in and the percentage of unauthorized workers in each sector. The highest number of unauthorized workers: construction labourers because manual labour doesn’t need a high level of education and lower salaries are better than none

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Lifetimes of important Long-lived gasses and Short-live gases and particles in the atmosphere and their effect on climate

Submitted by yufang1104 on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 11:09

The lifetime of carbon dioxide is more than 100 years and it warms up the earth, so that's why we want to decrease the  emission of carbon dioxide.

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Electronic Commerce Website Traffic by Device

Submitted by marcela1991 on Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:42

This chart shows the devices that are used for electronic commerce. Computers are the leading device but recently we have seen the increased use of other devices such as the tablet and smartphones. We can expect to see the continuous increase of these devices in the near future. 

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Estimated U.S. Retail E-commerce 199-2007

Submitted by marcela1991 on Thu, 08/16/2012 - 11:24

This image is a chart of the estimated U.S. sales in percentage from 1999-2007. The chart shows how the percent of retail has increased dramatically since the early beginnings of the internet. 

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A comparison of the impact of an earthquake Chile and Haiti

Submitted by Chris on Fri, 08/10/2012 - 14:43

The chart compares 2 earthquakes and their different results for the countries. The number of deaths for Haiti is far higher (higher population density and a lesser standard of living, worse conditions after the event). However, the material loss for Chile was higher due to a bigger economy but the actual impact of the economy was far less due to a higher GDP, quicker response and better measures after the event. Different factors of a country decide about the long-term impact of a natural disaster .

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