UN Sustainable Development Goals -- On the UN Building in New York
Internet search
UN Development Goals - projected on the UN General Assembly building in New York
Internet search
UN Development Goals - projected on the UN General Assembly building in New York
Outdoor World Game™ Demonstration
-- http://www.geni.org/globalenergy/projects/news/whats_new/
Bucky Commemorative Stamp event 2004-07-13
photos by PM Dekker
Getty Images -
R Buckminster Fuller protrait from Getty Images
We had 48 people show up at Google Fiber with three weeks notice for a full day event. Attendees included City and County leaders and staff, community leaders, developers, UT experts and interested citizens. What a terrific indication of the desire to create economic and environmental sustainability in East Austin.
We had 48 people show up at Google Fiber with three weeks notice for a full day event. Attendees included City and County leaders and staff, community leaders, developers, UT experts and interested citizens. What a terrific indication of the desire to create economic and environmental sustainability in East Austin.
Final 100% Renewable San Diego logo
Dame DC Cordova
Peter Zahn
green scene header