State Wind Power Potential (% of Electricity Sales)
The only updated figure from the 2009 release is Maryland, due to a new report on its offshore wind potential.
The only updated figure from the 2009 release is Maryland, due to a new report on its offshore wind potential.
Wind Energy potential in each U.S. state by it's potential compared to its usage
Earth System Research Laboratory at NOAA
US River Basins
River forecasts, weather information, climatologies and related information are available from these forecasts centers.
Global Life Expectancy
Global Environmental Management Initiative - GEMI
40% of the world will live in water-scarce regions by 2025
Rainfall and rainfall changes in the USA
Annual Average Precipitation 1961-1990
Department of energy
2009 Energy Expenditure per person per state
The grades are assigned in A, B, C, and, as shown by the color codes below
The unit is clearly shown by the legend bar at the very bottom. Teh gray bar to the very right means unknown
the maroon line is the breaking point between rain and snow
the color code is the measure of rain in millimeters