Number of mobile lines around the world
Internation telecomunication union
Digital divide, mobile phone subscriber, global, type of country
Internation telecomunication union
Digital divide, mobile phone subscriber, global, type of country
Internation telecomunication union
Digital divide, fixed telephone lines, global, type of country
Leonard Castaing
Digital divide, global, internet users, type of country
Leonard castaing
Digital divide, information, access, television, phone, internet
Leonard castaing
Digital divide, information, access, television, phone, internet
Future projections show a rise of tablets being sold, which allows consumers to have yet another way to buy online.
This chart shows the number of internet users by country. The chart displays the top 20 countries throughout the world with the msot internet users.
Trend of the gradual rise of mobile commerce (m-commerce).
This image shows a list of the top 500 internet retailers with Amazon taking the number one spot.
The trend shows that the e-commerce growth rate is about twice the growth rate of retail sales. Even during the recession in 2008/2009, e-commerce sales had a growth rate above that of retail. This could be caused by the convenience of e-commerce that allows people to shop from home and compare prices without having to drive to several different stores.