San Diego Case-Schiller Home Price Index 2000 to 2011
San Diego Case-Schiller Home Price Index 2000 to 2011
San Diego Case-Schiller Home Price Index 2000 to 2011
San Diego Home Price to Rent Ratio 1977-2009
Percent Change in Resale Home Prices from 2009-2011 in Low Priced, Mid Priced, and High Priced Housing in San Diego Since the Peak in House Prices in 2009
Median Resale Price per Square Foot in San Diego 2005-2011
Unemployment Rate in the San Diego Region over the Past 20 Years
San Diego Home Price to Income Ratio
San Diego Employment in the Last 4 years Seasonally Adjusted
Number of people per car sold in US 1971-2011
San Diego County Notices of Default and Foreclosures for 2010 and 2011
Home Price Index for San Diego 1987-2011