Final 100% Renewable San Diego logo
Final 100% Renewable San Diego logo
Final 100% Renewable San Diego logo
San Diego has a multi-billion dollar backlog of infrastructure projects: sewers, sidewalks, parks, potholes and fire and police stations. We may live in "America's Finest City" -- but much of it is beginning to crumble under our feet due to lack of attention and funding.
Director of Resource Planning
San Diego Gas & Electric Co.
He has spent over 30 years at San Diego Gas and Electric Company. He has held a range of positions involving power plant engineering, resource planning, strategic planning, and generation development. In his current position, he oversees the development of the long-term electric resource plan that determines the resources needed to meet the growing electric demand in San Diego over the next ten years.
Director of Resource Planning
San Diego Gas & Electric Co.
He has spent over 30 years at San Diego Gas and Electric Company. He has held a range of positions involving power plant engineering, resource planning, strategic planning, and generation development. In his current position, he oversees the development of the long-term electric resource plan that determines the resources needed to meet the growing electric demand in San Diego over the next ten years.
Dr Michael McQuary
Dr Michael McQuary, Chairman of California Democratic Clubs
Resilient Cities Team
Building Resilient Cities Week 12 Resilient San Diego and a Platform for Other Cities - Broadcast Title Slide
SANDAG's regional growth forecast for San Diego through 2050.
Resilient Cities 11: Resilient Polices and Regulations: Getting Rules Right Title Slide
Resilient Cities Team
Building Resilient Cities Week 10: The Economics Of Resiliency - Is It Affordable?
One couple in Deerton took matters into their own hands and built a totally energy efficient home to reduce their carbon footprint.