Blooming Biofuel
An illustration of how algae can be converted into fuel.
An illustration of how algae can be converted into fuel.
A map showing the biomass potential of the US by county. Note that San Diego's potential is high.
A map showing the wind speeds all over America. Focusing on San Diego, it can be seen that for most of the county wind speeds are not very high.
Replace nuclear plants with energy efficiency.
John Farrell
A look into what one small town has done and what more can be done to combat climate change.
Ed King
The US government has made $4 billion in clean energy funding available, in support of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan.
Lakis Polycarpou
Groundwater levels are dropping across a much wider swath of the United States than is generally discussed, according to a new report from the Columbia Water Center.
Richard Denison
Recent spills in West Virginia and North Carolina cast a spotlight on toxic hazards in our midst. But as bad as they are, these acute incidents pale in scope compared to the chronic flow of hazardous chemicals coursing through our lives each day with little notice and minimal regulation.
World Of Photovoltaics
Investment firms rush to accumulate PV assets based on UK’s growing solar farm capacity.
Matthew Mpoke Bigg
(Reuters) - African governments should work harder to reduce inequality that has prevented the benefits of a decade of economic growth from being spread equitably, according to a report by former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan released on Thursday.