French public Debt
Chenaf Olivier
Evolution and Analyze of the french public debt
Chenaf Olivier
Evolution and Analyze of the french public debt
United States Institute of Peace
A federal institution that analyzes different conflicts.
Evolution of natural disasters in the United States about 1980 to 2008. The number of events more than doubled since 1980. We can see that the Meteorological and climatological disasters are maybe coordinate with the climate change. This disasters are for example storms, which is shown in green, or extreme temperatures, which is shown in yellow.
University of Delhi
University of Delhi is a university located in New Delhi that has been known to enroll up to 400,000 students at once.
Graph of DOE spending showing an increasing trend, particularly in recent years, in money allocated to education.
Map of India showing literacy rate by region
This image shows an example of a cooperation between the EU and UN-ISDR to develop strategies to reduce the risk of a disaster in the European Union.
This chart is showing the impact of AIDS on several african countries GDP
This chart is showing the Potential AIDS treatments costs in several sub-saharian country
This image is showing the american annual health expenditures