New forecast tool gives countries edge against desert locust invasions


Thomson Reuters Foundation

Umberto Bacchi

A new satellite forecast tool could more than double the warning time for desert locust invasions, allowing vulnerable nations to prepare better against the crop-eating grasshoppers, the United Nations and European Space Agency (ESA) said on Wednesday.

Food system that fails poor countries needs urgent reform, says UN expert


the Guardian

Mark Tran

The existing food system has failed and needs urgent reform, according to a UN expert who argues there should be a greater emphasis on local food production and an overhaul of trade policies that have led to overproduction in rich countries while obliging poor countries '€“ which are often depend

Wanted: innovative ideas on how to feed nine billion people


the Guardian

Gerda Verburg

I grew up on a farm and I am one of 10 siblings, so I know how challenging it can be to embrace differences and work together. But I am also from the Netherlands '€“ a country that would be underwater if we had not all worked together to come up with a solution '€“ so I know it can be done.

UN: 15-year push ends extreme poverty for a billion people


the Guardian

Sam Jones

The millennium development goals (MDGs) have driven "€œthe most successful anti-poverty movement in history" and brought more than a billion people out of extreme penury, but their achievements have been mixed and the world remains deeply riven by inequality, the UN'€™s final report on the goals

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