Food Trade and Self-Sufficiency | Vital Signs Online
Gary Gardner
Gary Gardner
Rona Fried
Megan Darby
US scientists urge governments to scrap bioenergy subsidies, citing climate impact and clash with food crops
Rona Fried
the Guardian
Ami Sedghi
Obesity is in the news again - but how does the UK compare to the rest of the world? The World Health Organisation (WHO) database contains global comparisons of overweight and obesity prevalence broken down over time.
Fox News
Associated Press
IBADAN, Nigeria – From this field nestled among the lush rolling hills of Nigeria's southwest, the small plants rising out the hard red dirt appear fragile, easily crushed by weather or chance.
Looks, however, are deceiving.
VEDARANYAM, India (AP) — On a sun-scorched wasteland near India's southern tip, an unlikely garden filled with spiky shrubs and spindly greens is growing, seemingly against all odds.
Climate News Network
Tim Radford
Sophisticated new analysis indicates an 80% probability that the planet's population will continue to rise this century, with serious implications for food security, political stability - and climate change.