R Buckminster Fuller
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R Buckminster Fuller protrait from Getty Images
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R Buckminster Fuller protrait from Getty Images
R Buckminster Fuller
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, Build A New Model that Makes The Existing Model Obsolete."
— R Buckminster Fuller
Michael Powers
Stellar Solar
Michael is a former marketing manager at Home Depot Supply and helped to launch the national solar program at The Home Depot. Since 1999, he has been a board member of Global Energy Network Institute (GENI). In 2007, Michael was invited to speak on renewable energy at Stanford University and World Economic Forum in London. He trained in PV solar sales and installation at AstroPower (now GE Solar) before becoming a founding partner in Stellar Solar.
Rob Marlbrough
Co-Founder, CTO - Fandom Marketing; Founder, CEO - Web Wizards WordPress Services
Rob, aka “DowntownRob”, is a technology and marketing pro who knows his stuff when it comes to social web site integration, WordPress, and throwing awesome social media powered events.
Vincent Mudd
Committe Chair - San Diego 2024 Exploratory Committee
Mudd is Principal and Chief Operating Officer at Carrier Johnson + Culture, long known as one of San Diego's preeminent architectural, urban design, interior design and brand strategy communications firms. Mudd is also a licensed general contractor. Mudd is Chairman of San Diego's 2024 Exploratory Committee - the organization responsible for studying the feasibility of hosting the 2024 Summer and Paralympics Olympic Games in San Diego. The Committee will submit a final proposal the be selected as America's host city to the United States Olympic Committee in November.