E-Money Trends
Contactless e-money comes in the form of Paypal, Bitcoin, and related forms of currency. We can see a rise of over double the use of contactless e-money when compared to contactless credit.
Contactless e-money comes in the form of Paypal, Bitcoin, and related forms of currency. We can see a rise of over double the use of contactless e-money when compared to contactless credit.
The damage caused by the tsunami in Japan in March 2011. It’s very impressive the number of destroyed buildings. And how powerful a tsunami can be. Around 16,000 people got killed and more than 110,000 buildings got totally destroyed.
personal library
personal library
personal library
How is 100% renewable energy possible in Japan by 2020?
Damage from disaster so severe that clean-up expected to take decades, according to latest examination of nuclear plant
Scientists and doctors are calling for a new national policy in Japan that mandates the testing of food, soil, water, and the air for radioactivity still being emitted from Fukushima's heavily damaged Daiichi nuclear power plant.