New Mexico Maps

 This map is a work in progress. The uses of water, air and land are diverse in New Mexico and will change dramatically with climate change. For caretakers of this sacred trust, the map offers a bird’s eye view of the health of our environment. It documents primarily the energy-related sources of pollution, though in New Mexico other polluting factors are also at work.

 Sacred Trust New Mexico Threat MapClick to view Full-Size, High-Resolution Map in PNG format
Other formats including PDF, JPG, and an online
interactive HTML version will be available soon.
  Map LegendClick to view full-size Legend
NOTE:  This map does not cover abatement sites, solid waste facilities and voluntary remediation sites, among other things. Also, this map shows major water basins only.

Additional Hazard Maps:

  Source: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
Map of Oil and Gas Wells, Active and Plugged, in New Mexico
Map of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) hazards and surrounding area.
For more information, references, additional credits and action you can take to protect water, air and land, please visit:

Partnership for Earth Spirituality at
Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment at
Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety at
Things You Can Do

We are grateful for the generous support of the Mercy Sisters - Northeast Community. Maps created by Deborah Reade, Deborah Reade Design.

Research and data interpretation by Southwest Ecologics, for questions contact

Brochure designed by Anna C. Hansen, Dakini Design. Research by:
New Mexico Maps