The High-level Panel on Global Sustainability presents its report to the Secretary-General on 30 January 2012 in Addis Ababa.


The 22-member Panel, established by the Secretary-General in August 2010 to formulate a new blueprint for sustainable development and low-carbon prosperity, was co-chaired by Finnish President Tarja Halonen and South African President Jacob Zuma. The Panel's final report, "Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing", contains 56 recommendations to put sustainable development into practice and to mainstream it into economic policy as quickly as possible.

  • The Secretary-General has also transmitted the report of the Panel to Member States, together with a cover note, as General Assembly document A/66/700, available in all UN official languages:
    [عربي]   [中文]   [English]   [Français]   [Русский]   [Español]


Please click here to view the Press Release of the launch of the report.

The High-level Panel on Global Sustainability presents its report to the Secreta