
Robert B Anderson


Director of Resource Planning San Diego Gas & Electric Co.

Subject Matter Expert


He has spent over 30 years at San Diego Gas and Electric Company. He has held a range of positions involving power plant engineering, resource planning, strategic planning, and generation development. In his current position, he oversees the development of the long-term electric resource plan that determines the resources needed to meet the growing electric demand in San Diego over the next ten years.

In this role his organization assesses how energy efficiency, demand response, renewable power and other generation resources need to be combined to reliably serve customer needs at the lowest possible cost while meeting the state policy objectives. His group has been actively involved in implementing AB 32, California's greenhouse reduction law.

Rob has a Bachelor's of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA and an MBA-Finance from San Diego State University. He has testified before the California Public Utilities Commission and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.