
Clint Daniels


Principal, Regional Models - SANDAG

Subject Matter Expert


Oversee a highly educated staff in the long range population and transportation forecasting group. Recent projects include the development the SANDAG 2050 Regional Growth Forecast, transportation modeling and forecasting for the $200+ billion 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), and traffic analysis to support the acquisition of the South Bay Expressway. Lead the technical implementation California’s first Sustainable Communities Strategy under Senate Bill 375 which requires closer coordination between local land use plans and regional transportation plans to lower greenhouse gas emissions across the state. Ensure that SANDAG analytic tools comply with all state and federal laws and regulations. Oversee the development of advanced travel forecasting models that simulate the 17 million daily San Diego's of 3 million residents.


Developed the GIS infrastructure to support enterprise applications and activity based transportation and land use models. Managed regional GIS datasets and examine new opportunities to use GIS in San Diego to solve political, social, and environmental issues. Encouraged the use of standards and collaboration between developers to build viable and creative web based applications to support SANDAG constituents.

Subject Matter Presentation