Christina Luhn
Executive Director, Mega-Region Initiative - San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation
The Cali Baja Mega-Region Initiative for the first time articulates the intimately enmeshed international economies of San Diego and Imperial Counties (USA) and Baja California (Mexico) as a distinctly advantageous development zone for global commerce. This positions CaliBaja as the emerging 12th economic "mega region" in North America, with distinct advantages compared to the Southern California Region immediately to the north, centered on Los Angeles County. Conceived, secured funding, developed community-wide consensus and commitment, and implemented bi-national strategy based firmly in current economic development theory and best practices. * Developing bi-national website and online interactive asset map to focus on the unique blend of economic support the Cali Baja Mega-Region has for targeted strategic industries. Prior to coming to San Diego Christina was a Project Manager at the International Energy Agency in Paris France.