In Mackerel's Plunder, Hints of Epic Fish Collapse


TALCAHUANO, Chile — Eric Pineda, a dock agent in this old port south of Santiago, peered deep into the Achernar’s hold at a measly 10 tons of jack mackerel — the catch after four days in waters once so rich they filled the 17-meter fishing boat in a few hours.

The future of food

John Vidal

By 2050 there will be another 2.5 billion people on the planet. How to feed them? Science's answer: a diet of algae, insects and meat grown in a lab

Extreme heat hurts wheat yields as world warms-study

David Fogarty

SINGAPORE, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Extreme heat can cause wheat crops to age faster and reduce yields, a U.S.-led study shows, underscoring the challenge of feeding a rapidly growing population as the world warms.

Images from space track relentless spread of humanity

Produced by Mairi Mackay, CNN and George Webster, for CNN, Built by Matt Barringer, CNN

The past century has been defined by an epic migration of people from rural areas to the city. In 2008, for the first time in history, more of the Earth's population was living in cities than in the countryside. The U.N.

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