Global rank for the DOI
World information society Chap 3
Digital divide, DOI, digital oppurtunity index, rank, global
World information society Chap 3
Digital divide, DOI, digital oppurtunity index, rank, global
World information society Chap 3
Digital divide, DOI, digital oppurtunity index, rank, global
Leonard castaing
Digital divide, DOI, digital oppurtunity index
Leonard Castaing
Digital divide, global, internet users, type of country
Leonard castaing
Digital divide, information, access, television, phone, internet
Leonard castaing
Digital divide, information, access, television, phone, internet
International symposium ‘New world, new capitalism’
Logo of International symposium "New world, new capitalism"
Organized by Tony Blair, Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, This forum has for aim to re-create a new capitalism with more regulation and moral.
Chenaf Olivier
Logo of the ONG;Tax Network Justice with the work of this association
This picture lists several ways in which you can help to alleviate global poverty.
There are several causes of ocean pollution including oil pollution, marine debris, toxic materials, and ocean dumping and mining. Oil pollution is not only caused by large devastating tanker spills, it is also caused through runoff from land and industrial wastes which find their way to the ocean through drains. Other causes include intensive farming, septic tank, pesticide, animal dung, household waste, water table, waste water, nuclear waste...