BMW i3 Driving to Net Zero Energy


Peder Norby

The idea is a simple one, harvest endless sunshine from a small portion of a roof to provide 100% of the energy needed to power a home and two cars with zero utility cost, and zero gasoline cost.

Ikea Goes Solar


Before It's News

The IKEA furniture store is investing in alternative energy by delving into the solar energy market.

UN, Microsoft launch computer lab for environmental issues


NAIROBI, April 29 (Xinhua) -- Microsoft Research and the UN Environment Program (UNEP) on Tuesday launched open source technology that allows scientists to simulate how all organisms on earth interact in a changing environment.

Population Pressure: Land and Water

Presentation Date

Population Pressure: Land and Water is the second chapter written by author Lester R. Brown in his book Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization. In this chapter he talks about Civilization's foundation eording, water tables falling, farmers losing water to cities, land and water conflicts, cars and people compete for grain and the rising tide of environmental refugees. During this century we must deal with effects of trends-- rapid population growth, advancing deserts, and rising seas--that we set in motion during the last century.

Systems Diagram of a City

Submitted by pmd on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 13:13

This is an interesting "Systems Diagram of a City", found at:

And the image appears on the wikipedia page for Emergy, and is labelled "Energy system diagram of a city in its support region"

This diagrams the major energy  flows in and out of a city.

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