Scientists find superbugs in Delhi drinking water



A gene that makes bugs highly resistant to almost all known antibiotics has been found in bacteria in water supplies in New Delhi used by local people for drinking, washing and cooking, scientists said on Thursday.

Food Prices Continue to Rise, Worsening the Food Crisis

The U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization reported in early March that food prices reached another record high, as the price of basic food staples continued to soar.  The Index indicated that wheat and coffee prices have doubled in the past 12 months, while cocoa jumped 25 percent in just two

Multitude of Species Face Climate Threat




Over the past 540 million years, life on Earth has passed through five great mass extinctions. In each of those catastrophes, an estimated 75 percent or more of all species disappeared in a few million years or less.


India's population hits 1.21 billion

The Associated Press


India's new national census puts the population at about 1.21 billion people, or 17 per cent of the world population, the census commissioner says.

Gap widening between poorest countries and others

Patrick Worsnip


UNITED NATIONS, March 29 (Reuters) - The wealth gap between the least developed and other countries has widened in recent decades and will go on doing so unless their basic weaknesses are tackled, a report for the United Nations said on Tuesday.

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