Global CO2 Emissions To Rise 43 Percent By 2035: EIA

(Reuters) - The world's emissions of carbon dioxide from burning coal, oil, and natural gas should rise 43 percent by 2035 barring global agreements to reduce output of the gases blamed for warming the planet, the top U.S. energy forecaster said on Tuesday.

Renewables Hit The Big Time

A review of the world's biggest existing and planned renewable energy projects in the solar, wind, tidal, geothermal and wave energy sectors.

International Energy Outlook 2010 - Highlights

World marketed energy consumption increases by 49 percent from 2007 to 2035 in the Reference case. Total energy demand in non-OECD countries increases by 84 percent, compared with an increase of 14 percent in OECD countries.

Climate Change Hits The Oceans

By Michael D. Lemonick

When scientists say the planet is warming, they usually point to rising air temperatures as proof. That's reasonable enough, especially since the warmth of the air temperature affects us directly so we feel the change the scientists are measuring.

Oceans' Fish Could Disappear In 40 Years: UN

By Sebastian Smith (AFP) NEW YORK — The world faces the nightmare possibility of fishless oceans by 2050 unless fishing fleets are slashed and stocks allowed to recover, UN experts warned Monday. "If the various estimates we have received...

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