Starving in India: The Forgotten Problem

Ashwin Parulkar

These days, Indian policymakers are debating how to create a vast new food entitlement program. There is talk of poor households struggling to cope with high food prices and malnourishment among their children.

BANGLADESH: Selling the toilet idea

BANGKOK, 14 October 2011 (IRIN) - By some measures, Bangladesh is modernizing rapidly - one in two residents now owns a cell phone. However, when it comes to basic sanitation, progress is clogged.

Scientists find superbugs in Delhi drinking water



A gene that makes bugs highly resistant to almost all known antibiotics has been found in bacteria in water supplies in New Delhi used by local people for drinking, washing and cooking, scientists said on Thursday.

India's population hits 1.21 billion

The Associated Press


India's new national census puts the population at about 1.21 billion people, or 17 per cent of the world population, the census commissioner says.

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