Good Electricity Grids Make Good Neighbors

Daniel Kammen of University of California, Berkeley, Nov 20, 2013

In the poem “Mending Wall,” Robert Frost asserted that “good fences make good neighbors.”  World history is replete with foreign policy built around physical walls, from Emperor Hadrian, to the Great Wall of China, to the Berlin Wall, the wall between Palestine and Israeli, to the U.S.-Mexico bor

Renewables-based Desalination: A Solution to MENA's Water Crisis

Sep 2, 2013 - Dr. Nasser Saidi, Chairman, Clean Energy Business Council -

"You never miss the water till the well runs dry" is an old idiom that is becoming a harsh reality for the Middle East and North Africa region and globally. Water scarcity is now this century's imminent greatest problem, a clear and present danger.

'Huge' water resource exists under Africa

Matt McGrath

Scientists say the notoriously dry continent of Africa is sitting on a vast reservoir of groundwater.

They argue that the total volume of water in aquifers underground is 100 times the amount found on the surface.

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