Biomass Resources of the US
A map showing the biomass potential of the US by county. Note that San Diego's potential is high.
Known Geothermal Areas in California
A map showing the already known geothermal locations in California.
Geothermal Energy Potential
A map showing that the geothermal potential for San Diego is relatively high.
US Wind Speed Map
A map showing the wind speeds all over America. Focusing on San Diego, it can be seen that for most of the county wind speeds are not very high.
Offshore Wind California
A map showing the offshore wind potential for California. Note that San Diego's potential is not very high.
Geothermal Plant
An image of a geothermal plant at Salton Sea.
Samsø - Energy Self-Sufficient Denmark Island
Samsø is an energy self-sufficient island off the coast of Denmark. See what they are doing to be sustainable.
Ocotillo Wind Project
Ocotillo Wind Project
A photograph of the Ocotillo wind project.
Impact of Switching from Nuclear to Solar
Replace nuclear plants with energy efficiency.